Lean ’17!
Happy New Year and welcome to our brand new blog!
At Stokes & Rowe, we produce products to a very high quality and are pretty organized but believe that there is always room for improvement. So we have decided that the focus this year shouldn’t just be about increasing our customer base, productivity and profits. Our mission for 2017 is to become a Lean company and create a wonderful place to work by growing ourselves and our staff into Lean problem solvers. We’re applying Lean to many of our processes already but we want it to be at the heart and soul of everything we do and aim to create a totally Lean culture by the end of this year. And that is how ‘Lean ’17’ was born!
So we’re going to be throwing around lots of terms such as Kan Ban, 3, 5 and even 7 S, One Piece Flow and Six Sigma, getting to grips with what they all mean and how they can relate to our company and processes and we’d love to share our exciting journey with you all.
We’ll be updating you on our progress as we go, what’s worked, what didn’t work so well and will even give you some videos of our newly implemented techniques in action. Hopefully, you will find some of our ideas useful for your own business, and we’d love to hear your comments and any of your ideas so please get in touch!
Happy manufacturing!
Rob, Nicola and the team