Health and Safety
The Health, Safety and Welfare of employees is of prime importance to Accuturn Limited and is essential to the efficient operation of its undertaking.
The responsibility of safety at work rests upon all sectors of management. Accuturn Limited will ensure that this policy is pursued throughout the organisation and will take all reasonably practicable precautions and implement procedures for continual improvement in methods to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare at work of its employees by providing:
- A safe and healthy working environment by the design, construction, operation and maintenance of all equipment and facilities, including welfare.
- Safe systems of work as they apply to all work activities.
- Adequate control for the storage, use and transportation of hazardous articles and Substances
- Adequate information, instruction, training and supervision.
- Control of situations likely to cause injury or damage to property and/or equipment.
- Effective facilities for the treatment of injuries that occur at work.
- Effective fire prevention and fire control procedures.
- Adequate facilities for consultation between management and employee representatives.
- Sufficient tests, examinations, samples and records as are necessary to monitor the working environment.
All employees of the company agree, as a term of their contract of employment, to comply with their individual duties under section 7 & 8 of The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Regulation 14 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and generally co-operate with their employer so as to enable them to carry out their Health and Safety duties towards them.
Failure to comply with Health and Safety duties, regulations, procedures and work rules on the part of the employee, can lead to dismissal from employment.
In the cases of serious or repeated breaches, such dismissal may be instant and without prior warning.
The overall responsibility for Health, Safety and Welfare of the company and its personnel is vested in the Managing Director.
Accuturn Limited will give full backing to this policy and to the nominated Safety Manager (whose function it shall be to monitor and operate the policy), and will support all those who endeavour to carry it out.
Accuturn concept of Health & Safety at work is best served by the increased awareness of individual personnel and a personal readiness to react appropriately to whatever situation arises.